Advice about your air conditioning is usually based around myths. Therefore, we’ve stated the facts and busted these common myths that you probably have heard a million times.
Myth: Air conditioning can cause colds and dry your throat out.
Truth: Colds are caused by viruses and although low temperatures can make you more vulnerable to illness, air conditioning doesn’t cause the cold. The virus does.
Myth: Maintenance is expensive and unnecessary
Truth: Routine maintenance has been proven to save you money. Air conditioning can lose its efficiency by 5 % every year it goes without service. Small issues such as dirty filters and low-refrigerant levels can escalate and cause long-term serious problems. It’s best to have a routine maintenance schedule like BM AIR’s annual or bi-annual packages.
Myth: It’s bad for the environment
Truth: It’s not bad and it could actually increase efficiency. Most air conditioning systems are at least A rated now due to the minimal usage of eco-unfriendly refrigerants. Wide HVAC systems can reduce carbon emissions for businesses. They can even be better for the environment than fans and heaters in smaller spaces.
Myth: Can’t be used as a heater
Truth: Actually, it can.
Myth: The bigger the better
Truth: Size does matter. However, so do lots of other factors! An air conditioner needs to be selected to suit your home. Factors that also need consideration include: insulations, windows and roof characteristics.